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Our Mission

Our Mission

Our Mission is to point people the Jesus Christ through our music, devotionals and messages. That includes our personalities pointing people to Jesus.  

Are you interested in volunteering?  If you are please reach out to us by emailing  North Alabama-Southern Tennessee Internet Radio is part of the Kingdom Life Internet Radio Network with three other Christian Internet Radio Stations.  All four stations are listener supported.  There are a couple of ways to give to support the ministries of MBixler Legacy Media.  One is setting up giving monthly through the link below for Patreon. A second is through the Pay Pal Donation Link below. Through Pay Pal you wouldn't have to give monthly. We realize that some months you might not be able to give.  We do ask that you pray about giving first and if God leads you to become a Financial Partner you would be partnering with us and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around North Alabama, Southern Tennessee and around the world.

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